Friday, March 27, 2009

Magazine ideas
Name- Soul core
Name of featured band in main article- Dark thoughts
band members- Ash Lee, Kay Osfree, Tim Tation, Sir Render
Aim of article- to appeal to a teenage audience
Topic of article- Break up of Band ' the end of dark thoughts'
the article is about the break up of the band and reasons behind it. i will be writing about how the last two members hav come together and formed a realtionship and stuck by each other and how they are movin forward. i will be going into the bands past and how they were successful and ,equally, not so much. i will be talking about why the band had fallen apart, mainly jealously over the single female member of the band (Kay) and her relationship with Ash. ideas of future and stress included into two page article. pictures yet to be taken

This is my Mood board for my main task. it gave me the ideas for a front cover for my music magazine that i will be making for my main coursewor task.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Feedback 23.3.09

Summarise the findings ofyour audience research please. Your research and planning should all be complete by now and you should be producing your own magazine. You are some way off this. You need to be working from home on this and your blog suggests to me you are not! Once your mood board and rough sketches are complete they should be uploaded on to the blog. You need to be taking all your photos this week really. See me for further guidance if you need it.

(Mrs Abell)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

magazine basics

above is my preliminary magazine. I believe that it was successful and would work well for a teenage audience. i have made it new and interesting, breaking the conventions by placing the title at the bottom of the page instead of the top. however, i feel that placing the information on the page was awkward. on several occasions i found myself covering the picture with all my content information. the title at the top (the SMC logo) was rough and cut badly. i did not feel that it would look good to go on shop shelves. the background against the picture however was eye catching although the picture itself was a bit plain and could have livened it up by making the two students stand in a different position, maybe posing for the photo. i feel that the yellow writing was effective on a black background, catching the eye. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Feedback 11.3.09


You have some good ideas for a feature article here but you need to focus on the basics first! Tell me about the actual magazine you will produce - name, genre, target audience etc? You should also have completed your research by now but i see you haven't yet started. Please see the research task sheet on moodle to guide you through this and get this completed by the end of the week. You should also complete your prelim task in friday's lesson and post it on the blog. (Rachel/Nikki will be happy to help you with this.)

Mrs Abell

Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog entry 4

the idea of my magazine is based around the idea of the downfall of a band. the band has recently broken up and i am interviewing the surviving two members of the group. i first go into a little detail about the bands past history, how they originally came to be and where they came from. i will talk about their successes and battles the band has been through and the reason for their tragic split. as well as talking about how the band has broken up, i will be interviewing the last two members and their plans for the future and how they are coping with the anger and upset of their old fans. my magazine in detail will consist of:
  • The former bands history
  • previous successes and the common struggles associated with fame and the aim to stay big/ popular with the public
  • reasons for break up/ what led to the structural failure between the band members
  • how close friendships came to a close
  • feelings/regrets on the end of the band and how they are coping 
  • Last 2 members of group- plans for future/ coping with angry fans and hate mail. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog entry 3

For my initial research, i will be writing a questionnaire at my specific audience . this will help me find the target age to which i aim my magazine. 

Blog entry 2

Magazine idea
For my project i have decided to base my ideas on a Kerrang, NME type magazine. The project itself  is rock/metal based in its content and will be aimed at a general teen/young audience of between 14-22 years.